Power Systems Engineer

Power Systems Engineer

BEng(CompSysEng), BSc(BiomedSc)

James graduated from Monash university, completing a Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) and a Bachelor of Biomedical Science. Through his studies, he has gained a broad set of experience in subjects including power electronics, power system simulation, control system design, and machine learning.

At CTP, James performs various power systems simulations, in order to demonstrate the NER compliance of utility scale projects. He develops scripting solutions to meet the continuously evolving requirements of network service providers. He also utilizes optimization approaches to automate the tuning of various model parameters, to streamline set-up for studies.

James has a wide range of interests, experience and skills. He is proficient in PSCAD software for dynamic studies, PSSE software for dynamic studies, and Python scripting for automation. He also uses Python scripting to compile reports from simulation results. He has significant experience in MATLAB/Simulink, for simulating various physical/control systems.